My childhood was beautiful. I spent it in a small village called Lemešany, between the cities Kosice and Prešov, in the eastern Slovakia. My grandparents, who lived near us, owned an old piano on which my aunt used to play, when she was a child. So I think, that my way has started somewhere there. When I started to attend the Elementary school, my first teacher noticed, that from all the subjects, I liked the musical education the most. She advised my parents to join me to the piano lessons. Later, I started to learn to play the flute, mouth-organ and guitar. My first teacher of the guitar, Mr. Stašiuk, was really extraordinary man and musician, who gave me a lot of musical experiences and influenced my decision to become a musician.
Moje detstvo bolo krásne. Prežil som ho v obci Lemešany na polceste medzi Prešovom a Košicami. U starých rodičov, ktorí bývali oproti, stál klavír, na ktorý kedysi hrávala moja teta, čiže asi niekde tam to u mňa začalo. Ked’ som nastúpil na základnú školu, moja prvá pani učiteľka si všimla, že zo všetkých predmetov ma asi najviac baví hudobná výchova, takže odporúčila rodičom, aby ma prihlásili na klavír. Postupne som sa učil hrať aj na iné hudobné nástroje, napr. flautu, ústnu harmoniku a gitaru, na ktorej ma naučil hrať už dnes nebohý pán Stašiuk, ktorý bol výnimočný človek, ako aj muzikant a ktorý veľmi ovplyvnil moje rozhodnutie stať sa muzikantom.
My family is very important for me. Mother and father are technically skilled people and they were often angry about my technical anti-talent. However, when I discovered my interest in the music, they were the first people, who supported me. I have two younger sisters, who are interested in arts too, so, unfortunately for my parents, there is no technically skilled child in our family. I think we inherited our art-talent after our grandparents. I hope, we will continue in art tradition in my own family, because my wife is a singer, so the music is surrounding us every day.
Rodina je pre mňa veľmi dôležitá. Mamu aj otca, ktorí sú skôr technicky zameraní, často rozčuľoval môj technický antitalent, napriek tomu, keď som v sebe objavil lásku k hudbe, boli to práve oni, ktorí ma v mojom smerovaní najviac podporovali a naďalej podporujú. Mám dve mladšie sestry, ktoré sa takisto venujú umeleckým činnostiam, čiže žiadne technicky zdatné dieťa v rodine :) Zrejme sme tieto umelecké vlohy zdedili po starých rodičoch. Dúfam, že v umeleckých tradíciách budeme pokračovať aj v mojej rodine, pretože aj moja manželka sa venuje spevu a hudba nás obklopuje každý deň.
After finishing The Elementary School of Arts, I started to attend The State Conservatory in Kosice, what changed my life and aimed my future. Later, I started to learn and practice some pop and jazz music skills. Thanks to my great professor of piano, I received an information about freshly opened Department of Jazz Interpretation at The Janacek Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. I applied and they accepted me. I have collected very valuable knowledge and experiences from the best teachers, who were also active musicians.
Po ukončení ZUŠ som nastúpil na Štátne konzervatórium v Košiciach, ktoré nasmerovalo celý môj nasledujúci život. Počas školy som sa začal trošku venovať aj jazzovej a popovej hudbe. Vďaka pani profesorke som sa dozvedel aj o možnosti podať si prihlášku na JAMU v Brne, kde otvárali Katedru jazzové interpretace. Prijali ma. Nazbieral som tam neskutočne cenné poznatky a skúsenosti od tých najlepších pedagógov, zároveň hudobníkov z praxe.
I was a member of many bands from my age of 16, what was useful to train my composing and interpretative skills as a pianist. First band was the rock-band called The Skivers, with which we participated on a few competitions. Later, it was the jazz-funk band called Chocolate Vanilla. I was a member of a few jazz-bands, like Young Jazz Session and TOP Big band Prešov. For a short while, I became a part of The 1st Pink Floyd Revival Band, which was a great experience, because from my childhood, I’m a huge fan of Pink Floyd. Later I became a member of Peter Bic Project, where I gained invaluable experiences and travelled many countries of the world. From 2016, I am a member of Dasa Kostovcik Band, where I am working as a composer, producer and keyboard player. Occasionally, as a guest, I play on the keyboards in the other projects (Marek Szarvas Project, Erwin Kite) and with The State Philharmonic Orchestra of Kosice. I am also involved in music production and in composing the stage music.
Od 16 rokov som bol členom viacerých kapiel a zoskupení, v ktorých som naberal prvé skladateľské a interpretačné skúsenosti ako klávesák. Prvou rockovou kapelou bola The Skivers, s ktorou sme sa zúčastnili niekoľkých súťaží, neskôr to bola jazz-funková kapela Chocolate Vanilla. Takisto som pôsobil vo viacerých jazzových kapelách, napríklad Young Jazz Session a TOP big bande Prešov. Na chvíľu som sa stal takisto súčasťou 1st Pink Floyd Revival, čo bola pre mňa skvelá skúsenosť, keďže som odmalička obrovský fanúšik Pink Floyd. Neskôr som sa stal členom skupiny Peter Bič Project, v ktorej som získal neuviteľne cenné skúsenosti a precestoval som vďaka nej množstvo krajín sveta. Od roku 2016 som členom Dasa Kostovcik Band, kde skladám, produkujem pesničky a hrám na klávesy. Príležitostne hosťujem vo viacerých projektoch ako klávesák (Marek Szarvas Project, Erwin Kite), hosťujem občas v Štátnej filharmónii Košice. Venujem sa takisto hudobnej produkcii a komponovaniu scénickej hudby.
I love music, reading books, watching the movies and tv shows, traveling, tasting good food and coffee. I’m interested in many sport activities, mostly in cycling, running, swimming, skiing or yoga. I am interested in many things, but the most important for me, is to be surrounded by good people.
Milujem hudbu, knihy, filmy a seriály, cestovanie, jedlo a hlavne kávu, baví ma šport, najmä bicykel, beh, plávanie, lyžovanie, yoga. Zaujíma ma mnoho vecí, ale najdôležitejšie pre mňa je byť s ľudmi, ktorí za to stoja.
To the future, I have the same one wish as every other musician. I would like to create, record, produce, play concerts and simply, to take full advantage of the music.
V budúcnosti by som chcel pokračovať v tom, čo som už začal. Tvoriť, nahrávať, produkovať, hrávať koncerty a jednoducho venovať sa hudbe.
Co-writer and performer of song Hey now by Peter Bic Project, which was used for the worldwide commercial for SKODA RAPID. This song was also used in several TV shows, TV series and movies in Slovakia and Czech Republic. It was number one radio hit for several months in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia and it was rotated in many other countries, for example: USA, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Croatia and many others.
Co-writer and performer of the song Thinking about you by Peter Bic Project, which became the top played song in Slovak radios for the year 2013.
Co-writer and co-producer of Slovak band Peter Bic Project´s albums Say It Loud and Just a story, whose brought them many music awards in Slovakia.
Co-writer and producer of songs of Slovak singer Dasa Kostovcik, who sang the both songs Hey now and Thinking about you
Producer and writer of songs of many other Slovak artists from different genres of music, but especially from pop, dance, but also jazz, folk, soundtrack and world music.
Like a keyboard player performed at several festivals in Europe, such as SOPOT festival in Poland, and with a band Peter Bic Project in Slovakia, Czech republic, Sweden, Poland, USA, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary.
He performed as a guest solo pianist in concert "Symphony meets Jazz" with Slovak State Philharmonic in 2017.
In 2017 he began composing film music.
Author of film music for two fairytales called Čarodejník and Nevesta pre draka that will be released in December 2017.
As co-writer and performer
As co-writer and performer
As composer and producer
As composer and performer
As composer and producer
As producer
As composer